Krieger DirectIn Stock. Ready To Ship.
6MM 7.5 Twist Stainless Steel Heavy Palma

6MM Stainless Steel cut-rifled barrel. 1-7.5 IN twist. #14 Heavy Palma contour. This barrel is not yet chambered or cut and crowned.
Price: $440
Barrel Detail:
Number of Grooves:4
Twist:1-7.5 IN
Countour Type:Palma
Countour Number:
Steel:Stainless Steel
Breech Dia: 1.250
Breech Len: 2.500
Finish Len: 30.000
Muzzle Dia: 0.900
Neck Dia: 1.000
Neck Len: 5.000
Weight:6.5 LBS